Increase Footfall, Sales & Profitability

Helping you enhance your customer experience


Exclusively available to Nemo Office Club Members

Your Point of Sale range covers more themes than ever and with the cost heavily subsidised you will be able to keep your shop looking fresh, enticing and welcoming all year round.

In addition, as a Nemo Office Club member you can earn FREE credits that can be spent on Point of Sale for your store – Speak to your Business Development Manager or contact to find out more about credits.


Available Sizes

A0 Poster – 841mm x 1188mm

Horizontal Banner
– 1200mm x 305mm

A1 Poster – 594mm x 841mm

Vertical Banner
– 305mm x 1200mm

A2 Poster – 420mm x 594mm

Hanging Board
– 660mm x 300mm

A3 Poster – 297mm x 420mm

Shelf Edge Strips (x8)
– 988mm x 32mm

Keep It Local Loyalty Cards

As a retailer you offer a customer experience that cannot be matched online or via email – that personal interaction and passion for your business. This generates loyalty from your customers – now you can build on that loyalty further with the Keep It Local Stamp & Card Loyalty scheme.

Loyalty Cards can be personalised with your details, values and rewards with a variety of printing options available. In partnership with Trodat you can also use personalised loyalty card stamps to further promote your business, or the Keep It Local campaign.